About Us

We seek to be the preferred supplier in our chosen markets, by placing top
priority on meeting our customer needs through providing unmatched
high standards of customer service

In Brief
Our History

LabMed Trading was officially founded in June 2011. After having worked for more than 15 years in the laboratory, medical and safety wear industry among ourselves we decided to start our own venture. We are a small organization but we are dreaming and thinking big. We are into markets where some big, medium and small companies are competing for a share.

Our main aim is to exceed expectations of every client by offering unique outstanding customer service, increased flexibility, and greater value and high standards of operational efficiency

Labmed Trading

Solutions to our Stakeholders
Problems and Needs

  • Our Customers

    To be the preferred supplier in our chosen markets, by placing top priority on meeting our customer needs through providing unmatched high standards of customer service.

  • Our Employees

    To be a responsible employer duly rewarding good performance, developing peoples ability/potential fully.

  • Our Shareholders

    To provide a return on investment to our shareholders by achieving real growth o their investment through profitability and acquiring assets.

  • Our Community

    To be a responsible and caring corporate citizen by maintaining and improving the community in which we operate.

  • Government

    To conduct our business in accordance with the policies, rules, and laws of the country by striving for the highest standards of integrity.


Our Values

  • Integrity and loyalty
  • Efficiency and effectiveness
  • Passion and commitment in all we do
  • Flexibility
  • Teamwork
Our Goals

Our Goals

  • Customer service and satisfaction
  • A conducive working environment high morale
  • Profitability
  • Growth and prosperity
  • Joy and happiness

Place your order now and enjoy the best of service.

Our Customer base spans across Zimbabwe and the SADACC region. We supply all Laboratories, medical labs, school labs, analytical labs, research labs, quality assurance labs, industrial labs, mine labs and more. On the list, there is also Hospitals, Clinics, Surgeries and pharmacies-government, local authorities and industries.